The cost of private school in Brisbane

In order to make a great financial plan, you first need to understand what the goals are. We love talking investments here at Bounce, but if we don’t know what we are investing for, it is a futile exercise.
One major expense for a lot of our clients is saving for private school. The costs are substantial and the sooner we start saving and investing money for this expense, the easier it’s going to be.
For anyone who has kids in private school, you know how much it can cost. But for anyone considering private school, many times they are unsure. Fortunately, most of the private schools in Brisbane list their costs on their website. When planning for private school costs, it’s best to assume that any of today’s listed costs are going to increase in the future. Further, you need to cater for costs not listed such as technology costs, extracurricular costs, uniform costs and compulsory donations.
So how much does it cost? Below I’ve listed a couple of the schools in Brisbane and their listed costs as at the time I wrote this article. I recommend that you check out the websites first before relying on any of this information.
St Laurence’s College (fee schedule)
Years 5 and 6: $6,512 per annum
Years 7-12: $7,804 per annum
All Hallow’s College (fee schedule)
Ranging from $11,850 per annum (year 5) to $12,150 (year 12)
Citiponte Christian College (fee schedule)
Prep to Year 6: $8,050 per annum
Years 7-9: $10,420 per annum
Years 10-12: $11,430 per annum
Stuartholme School (fee schedule)
Years 7-9: $18,624 per annum
Years 10-12: $19,176 per annum
Somerville House (fee schedule)
Pre-Prep: $17,040 per annum
Prep to Year 4: $17,920 per annum
Years 5-6: $19,480 per annum
Years 7-12: $22,680 per annum
Brisbane Grammar School (fee schedule)
Years 5 and 6: $22,320 per annum
Years 7 to 12: $26,740 per annum
As you can see, the costs can quickly add up, particularly if you have a couple of children. If you are considering private school for your kids and are looking for ways to invest to prepare for this expense, please get in touch.
As always if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
This post is from our resident Financial Planner Ben Brett, check out his details in the About Us section.
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Posted in: Ben Brett, Investments, Financial Planning