Money interview with Suki from Origamiglobe
Welcome on back to the case study series, delving right inside some local businesses and finding out what they are all about. I of course can’t help myself and need to ask questions relating to people’s money habits and views. This week, we chat to Suki from Origami Globe. What is that you ask? Good question, here she is to explain……..
1) What is Origami Globe all about?
I help small businesses and startups learn all about the exciting world of marketing and promotion and engage and grow their audience through the use of short-term strategic competitions and giveaways.
2) How did you get started?
I used to work at a corporate travel agency in Sydney managing domestic, international and leisure trips for our corporate clients. When we started booking trips and holidays that our clients gave away to their customers as competition prizes, I became obsessed with learning all I could about competitions and giveaways. After seeing the success that the big corporates had with growing their engagement, followers and sales I wanted to bring the same success to the smaller companies who don’t have multi-million dollar marketing budgets. Now I bring the big brand strategy to them on a startup budget and help them see the same success.
(you can link to my post here if you want?
3) What is your relationship like with Money?
I’m lucky in that my parents set great foundations for me. When I was 14 I wanted to go on a school trip to Italy (I grew up in the UK) and my parents, who didn’t have a lot of spare cashflow, agreed that if I could raise half of the cost that they would pay the other half. I worked my butt off on a market stall every Saturday for months and raised half of the money – Italy was incredible! I’ve worked ever since then, including 30 hour weeks whilst studying for my degree as I didn’t have the luxury of financial support from my parents. There have been tough times, but I understand the value of money and working hard.
4) What does wealth mean to you?
Wealth to me means freedom – freedom to go on holiday, enjoy a guilt free chai latte before work every morning, buy a portfolio of properties or a massive great big yacht (if that’s your thing)! Wealth isn’t about a dollar value, it’s about being able to afford – and comfortably sustain – the lifestyle you want to live.
5) What is your personal number one money tip?
I am a HUGE fan of taking out your weekly budgeted spending allowance or ‘fun money’ in cash. If you allow yourself $50 a week for coffees, lunches out and drinks on a Friday night, it helps you to manage your cashflow and think twice about all those tiny little purchases that you normally just pop on your card. It’s so easy to tap your card these days, but it soon adds up. Having a limited resource of cash for the week will quickly show you how easy it is to save (and spend) money!
6) What are you working on right now?
I’ve just finished writing a mammoth 150+ page guide to running competitions, everything from coming up with ideas on a budget to promoting the heck out of your competition, so I’m promoting that and I’m about to start running workshops too. If you fancy giving competitions a go for your business, the guide is available for free on my website: There is, of course, a comprehensive section on budgeting!
7) What does the perfect weekend to you look like?
My perfect weekend would be spent with my partner and dog relaxing, enjoying a lazy breakfast, playing on the beach, exploring local markets and and catching up with friends, then a nice home-cooked meal and movie in the evening. Simple pleasures with the people I love!