Don’t get caught up in investment overload
It seems everyone these days has a hot tip when it comes to investments. Whether it be buying gold bars to bury in your backyard or more conventional investments such as shares and property, everyone wants to give you advice on how to invest your hard earned money. With so much information coming at us from so many different directions, it can be easier to shut it all out or, to research endlessly for that ‘perfect investment’. |
There is no such thing as a perfect investment. Investments should be selected based on your tolerance for risk and your goals. Further, investments are generally selected to ensure they comply with a number of generally accepted ‘investment rules’ such as diversifying and reviewing historical averages. The closest thing to a perfect investment is the one that is applied to suit you but more importantly, is done now!
Responsible investments take time to seek return. How much time depends on the type of investment and generally the more time you are willing to put into it, the higher the expected return. With all this delay why you wade through investment overload, you are giving up the number one tool you have, time!
Invest smart, invest early and you will reach your goals. This is why we tailor our services to GenY and Young Professionals. These people have the power of time on their hands. With the right advice, we know we can make a real difference in these people’s lives which is why we got into this business to begin with.
So don’t give up your most valuable tool, take action today! And leave the crazy gold burying sessions to your weird cousin. We can guarantee you, if he tells enough people about his great ‘investment’, he will find himself suffering from diminishing capital pretty quickly…
What about you? How do you plan to spend your retirement savings?
This post is from Ben Brett. Check out our details in the About Us page.
Posted in: Ben Brett, Financial Planning and Investments